Beautiful tropical background

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Where Fun and Travel Unite

Travel the world through FunFinns Travel

Planning your dream vacation can be very time consuming and frustrating, so sit back and relax, let our Travel Team do the work for you!!

From solo trips to large group parties, we have you covered!

We guarantee that every trip you book with us

will be unique and unforgettable.

Tropical Cruise Voyage
Travel Concept

Our Packages

We offer a wide variety of packages for you to choose from, depending on your dream destination!

People on Beach

All-Inclusive Resorts

Visit the most beautiful beaches and relax in lavish resorts.

Cabin in the Snowy Mountains

Winter Wonder

Spend the holidays in cozy cabins and grand forests.

Honeymoon Wedding Couple on Beach


Are you ready to embark on a journey of love that begins with a picture-perfect destination wedding and unfolds into an enchanting honeymoon escape?

Tropical Cruise Voyage

Indulge in world-class amenities, gourmet dining, and top-notch entertainment while cruising on some of the most renowned ships on the seas

Family enjoying winter ski vacation

Pack your bags and bring the whole crew because it's time for a family getaway that will be talked about for years to come!

This Months Features!

Man and Woman Walking of Body of Water

Experience the pinnacle of all-inclusive excellence across the Caribbean's most stunning destinations. From Jamaica's white-sand beaches to Saint Lucia's majestic landscapes, each resort is a paradise designed for couples in love.

The Ultimate Poker Party is coming up with ​80 tables set for action at The Red Room, ​the Manor and On the Rocks. With a prize ​pool of $1.5 million and 20 events to choose ​from, the stakes are high with buy-ins ​ranging from $150 to $25k. Join the event to ​meet poker stars, celebrities and the WPT ​cast.

Spring Break!

Spring Break 2024

Experience the Ultimate Spring Break!

Escape the mundane, bask in the sunshine, ​and create unforgettable memories on your ​2024 spring break! Our goal is to make sure ​that the fun never ends and you have the time ​of your life!

other Services we offer

Caribbean Sea Fun Boat Excursion

Experience the heart of your destination with our curated excursions that bring your travel dreams to life!

Travel Insurance Safe Background.

Make travel worries a thing of the past. Secure your journey with travel insurance from our trusted suppliers


Rather it’s catching your favorite sporting event or performer on stage, we have the tickets for you!

Aerial View of Ocean Waves by the Seashore

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Contact Number

Albion, MI 49224


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